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game icons in IFF 256 colors for amiga AGA RTG and especially with Emulation


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bonjour on m'a dit d'écrire ici pour montrer aux autres ce que je fais sur mon amiga et sur win uae

Capture d’écran 2024-01-06 143852.png

mes icônes sont en couleurs IFF 256 et sont compatibles sur mon amiga 2000 qui est équipé d'un blizzard 2060 picasso IV

Capture d’écran 2024-02-06 192038.png



Hello and welcome here again.
Wow, thats great work. very nice, i like it!


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since 2016 my brother has created more than 2000 generic whdloads for games that did not yet have an official whdload, and since then when a game demo is released in ADF he directly makes a whdload with it on the Amiga France website
that's why i created icons of these games


I am thinking about making a french section here on AP. But we need a few more people with this language.
Maybe you can invite a few fench Amiga-Fans.

I will try to get the DUNE devs here too. They are from france also.
So if we get some more people from your country i create a own section for you guys


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to please me he also adapted 4 openbor games in whdload for aga 68060

my amiga does not have AGA so I can only test it under win uae


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I am also active and moderator on this small French group


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AmigaBill tested the icons on his 1200 it was in low resolution so they have a more stretched visual than normal

Capture d’écran 2022-12-19 092005.png

and a test on an Amikit 11x on a friend's Pi 400

thumbnail_Capture d’écran_2023-02-01_22-04-04.jpg

a test also on a pistorm32




Welcome to the forum / Bienvenue sur le forum (y)

You have done a fantastic job. 😲 🤩